Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Ready For Christmas?

I know, I know, it's only January and hubby tells me I shouldn't start thinking about Christmas until at least April but I disagree.  Truth is I have a 6 week old baby, a 4 year old daughter, a 12 year old stepdaughter (not counting all the friends and family) and very little cash to spare! This Christmas just gone I did try to make as many presents as possible (broaches, soap, earrings) but starting in November doesn't give you much time to spare (and having a baby inbetween doesn't help). I also found that loads of people on Twitter were posting some fantastic ideas as they were making them but I just didn't have the time to recreate their brilliant crafts. 

So, this year I am starting now!

I aim to start small.  A Christmas list first of all because if you don't know who you're making for how do you know what to make?

Then I plan on making a list of all the things I could make, which I will add to as the year goes on and other people put fantastic crafty ideas on Twitter etc.  By now you have probably guessed that I like list making........

Then I will assign certain gifts to certain people. 

There, now the tricky part.............actually making the crafts/gifts!  This is my downfall.  Ordinarily it would be because I procrastinate but this year it is because I have Bruiser and at the moment he takes up most of my time in the evenings.  This is why I feel that if I start now, I may have a fighting chance of actually having some presents ready for Christmas and maybe saving some money.

I am making a special little folder in my favourites list and putting links of brilliant ideas in there as I find I often look at some great blogs, think "I could make one of them" and then can never find the link again when it comes to making them.

I also Sky + loads of Christmas cooking programs and Kirsty's Homemade Christmas programs from this year so I plan on watching them throughout the many mammoth feeding sessions Bruiser has to give me ideas and inspiration.

I will blog about the great craft ideas I have come across and any presents I have managed to make as the year goes on.

So there,  the only thing I have to do is follow through with my amazing plan!  (Maybe I shouldn't have committed it to blog!)

Wish me luck!

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